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  • Writer's pictureMiguel Tomas-Aparicio

Thank you, Mr. Shuld

Thank you Mr. Shuld for allowing me to expand and learn more Spanish in your classroom. We did many fun activities with such a fun group during fourth period last year, it really was a class to look forward to after hard times during covid. We prepared for the AP exam really well with your help and know the pass rate was really high for our fun group. I met many people in your class that I still talk to and am really grateful for the work you put in.

After we had finished the hard work which was preparing for the exam, we did really fun things that made the work payoff. One of those activities was the World Cup we played against all the other language classes. We prepared many signs and had fun together with our friends. Thank you Mr. Shuld, I appreciate the things you did for us.

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