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  • Writer's pictureMiguel Tomas-Aparicio

Spring Break 2022

During spring break, I did a couple things. Such as go to work and hang out with some of my old friends. Nothing really happened the first couple of days as I had to baby sit and work. I spent time enjoying nature and the weather we had. On Friday I saw my old friends and managed to spend time with them at Balboa Beach as we had a bonfire. It was also my cousins birthday earlier in the week so I surprised her with some gifts before her actual birthday party.

On the weekend I visited some horses in a ranch and it was super fun as i got to pet the horses. They all have different names and my favorite was 'Lucky' he was super sweet. I was offered to mount a horse but I do not know how to so I had to pass that offer. The weather was also really warm up in the ranch in Silverado Canyon, California.

I went to this bakery with my family to get their amazing pasteries and just by looking at them, makes you crave it!

Heres a nice video of Lucky.

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